
Please note this is an opportunity for artists and writers affected by fatigue: ME/CFS, Long Covid and other conditions where chronic fatigue is a symptom. You may identify as disabled, ill or recovered; we still want to platform your work.

Lassitude aims to shine a light on fatigue as a widely felt symptom frequently misunderstood, neglected by medical bodies and underrepresented within the arts. Lassitude showcases the collective creativity and untapped power of the fatigued community.

open call: laughter

Lassitude calling, we’re open for submissions. It’s Issue 03 and there’s plenty to laugh about. This is a feel-good issue. We’re talking laughter, which after all, is the best medicine. It’s a good antidote to fatigue, even the chronic kind.

How can we find merriment in times of exhaustion? Can gaiety be a liberation from the ill body? Can we laugh in the face of ableism? Treat fatigue as farcial? Is humour a route to healing? A tonic for social ills? What of bad humour, bad taste? We’re looking for short stories, writing on life, poems and visual artworks that make light of the serious.

Submit to [email protected] by 16.09.24